Bukti Satu Affair
Bukti Satu Affair
Bukti Satu Affair
Bukti Satu Affair
Bukti Satu Affair
Bukti Satu Affair

Bukti Satu Affair

BND 15.00

Many people say that you would know your partner when you married them. But is it true for all partners?

Badriah Mustapha’s life is about to change when she discovers that her husband, Abbas Khairuddin has been receiving letters from Ms Dara Saifullah. She doesn’t know anybody with that name and what could the letters contain that Abbas receives them so frequently? And why has he been hiding them?

Is her husband cheating on her? He couldn’t. We have two children together, boys just like what he wanted. He couldn’t betray me like this, could he?

I must find out what is going on.

Even if it will break me. 

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