The Paranoid's Pocket Guide To Mental Disorders
The Paranoid's Pocket Guide To Mental Disorders
The Paranoid's Pocket Guide To Mental Disorders
The Paranoid's Pocket Guide To Mental Disorders

The Paranoid's Pocket Guide To Mental Disorders

BND 16.90
Giving neurotics everywhere something to worry about, The Paranoid's Pocket Guide to Mental Disorders You Can Just Feel Coming On profiles more than 40 of the most outrageous and yet eerily familiar psychological disorders--a fascinating array of obsessions, compulsions, phobias, fixations, and full-blown mental maladies. Every disorder is well documented, including common symptoms, causes, and treatment options, along with a handy quiz for easy self-diagnosis. And in case you can't tell whether or not you're losing it, each entry includes a sample inner monologue detailing the thought processes at play--because sometimes you don't know you're crazy until you see it in writing.

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