Publisher: WS Kids
Carnivorous plants are, without the shadow of a doubt, the member of the plant world that children find most intriguing!...
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Publisher: Kingfisher
Do you want to know about eight of the world’s deadliest snakes, forty-nine countries without a coastline and five fearless...
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Publisher: Usborne
Over 135 flaps to uncover fascinating facts such as what karaoke means in Japanese, how the Mona Lisa got her...
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Publisher: Usborne
From the very first bite, your food goes on an incredible journey inside you. Lift the flaps to find out...
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Publisher: Usborne
This excellent addition to the ever popular Questions & Answers series lifts the flap on all kinds of gadgets, systems...
Publisher: Usborne
Dive into the amazing world of biology with this beautiful book full of places to explore and flaps to lift....
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Publisher: Usborne
An exciting guide to fractions, decimals and percentages with over 125 flaps to lift to discover what they are and...
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Publisher: Usborne
Why is there so much plastic in the world? How does it help us? What's the problem and how can...
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Publisher: Usborne
This thoughtful book explores how to be kind and why kindness is so important. A range of questions help children...
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Publisher: Usborne
How does the sun help us? What’s it made of? And where does the sun go at night? Discover the...
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Publisher: Usborne
What’s it like in space? How do you get there? And what do astronauts do all day? Inquisitive little ones...
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Publisher: Usborne
This visually astonishing story takes children on a journey into and through the brain. Simple but beautifully illustrated metaphors explain...